Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who's the Ditz?

So first of all I know Ditzy Day Camp Director isn't the brightest light to shine on me but the word ditzy just means scatter brained and I'm pretty sure if you've ever been a day camp director or if you ever worked at a day camp you know the feeling of being scatter brained.

So I thought I'd start by letting you know a bit about me. I'm 21 years old and I'm a day camp director. My first time ever being a day camp director was last summer. I worked at a church as their day camp director from May - August. May and June was planning and prep. July and August was hot and full of kids. We had a 6 week day camp program.

And yes I had to deal with all the day camp director (hereafter refereed to as dcd) duties. I had to hire busses, plan trips, design t-shirts, order them, promotion, hiring, budgeting, training, everything. And it was all a first! I have no idea why they hired me (shhhh don't tell them that) but it somehow all worked out. But trust me I was as scatter brained as could be.

So I guess I must have done an okay job because they hired me again for this year! This year there's a bunch of things I want to change and do better and there will be a bunch of brand news - I'm sure.

Due to the fact that I know there are other ditzy dcd's out there I thought I'd share the process with you. Maybe we help each other. I can share my mistakes and bumps along the way and hopefully you can learn from them - and me too.

So whether this is your first time as a dcd or your 30th I hope you're able to get something out of this blog. Even if it's just a laugh.

The Ditzy Day Camp Director

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