Thursday, June 16, 2011

Promotion: OLD SCHOOL Sandwich Board

So, like I said earlier, promotion is a key element of any day camp director's job. It's super important to tell people who you are and where you are.

And although there are many super high tech methods of advertising and promoting your camp there is a simpler, cheaper method that is a nice addition to your promotional program - the Sandwich Board. Yep, I said it! Two pieces of wood stuck together with details about your camp. And no, you don't have to have someone wear it .... you can just have it sitting on the corner of your block. It's great for the cars driving by to know that there is a day camp in that area and if you are in a high trafficked area that sign can get a lot of looks. It's really just one more reminder that your camp is there.

NOTE: I definitely don't suggest that this is your only promotional tool. The sandwich board should for sure be done in conjunction with other tools!

Now to having the right kind of sandwich board. This year I went into storage to pull out the board they've been using for years, and this is what I found....

Gross isn't it? It's boring. It's blah. There is nothing eye catching about it...let's be honest it stinks. Now the guys around here thought it looked fine and I should just put it up...but being the awesome ditzy day camp director that I am I knew that there was something I could do to brighten this thing up.

So pull off all the stickers, clean it off, give it a fresh coat of paint, cut out some stencils, add some spray paint and some fresh stickers and what you're left with is....

Now doesn't that look 100% better! I love what we ended up with, and I think it looks great. Adding colour helps to make it more eye catching. I think we will get a lot more looks now.

So I hope you can find someone who can hinge together two boards for you and then add some bling and you'll have yourself a delightfully 'old school' but new sandwich board.

The Ditzy Day Camp Director

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