Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Promotion: Come Back Letter

So, one of the biggest tasks you'll need to do as a day camp director is promotion. Over the next few days I'm going to post some ideas on how you can promote your camp.

One of the first things you can do is send out a come back letter to all of the campers and families from last year. A come back letter can remind them about all the fun they had last year and encourage them to get their registrations in early.

In our come back letter we like to include:
  • A letter to the parents/guardians with details the will need to know for camp,
  • a letter to the child getting them excited for this year,
  • registration forms,
  • and any flyers you have.
Here are some ideas for the parent letter...note that I can't post the whole thing because the pictures of the children can only be used for promotional reasons, but I hope you still get an idea of what it can look like.

The kids letter is a welcome addition because it gets the children excited for camp, shows the parents you care, and makes them a part of the process. Here is our kid's letter, minus the photos...

Here are some helpful hints for the come back letter:
  • Try to make it as personal as possible
  • Give all pertinent information
  • The kids letter should explain all the fun things you are going to do this summer
  • Don't forget contact information on the parent's letter
  • Include pictures of the campers if possible, it helps spark memories from last year
  • Make it colourful, even if it cost more money - it's totally worth it! It makes the letters look amazing and shows the effort you put behind it.
  • If you are printing off a lot of colour copies for your letter, go to Staples or another printing place and have them do it for you...the quality will be better, it's easier on you, and it will save you money in the long run rather then buying ink for your printer.
  • If you are putting any colour on the page it cost the same rather you put a little or a lot, you might as well make the whole thing colourful if you do it.
  • Include enough registration forms for every child in the family.
  • Go to the post office to weigh the envelopes, so you make sure you have the right postage on it.
  • Include a return address on the letter so you know how many didn't get to their location, and it's another opportunity for the parents to see your address.
Anyways...I hope this helps. I know it helps bring in a lot of registrations for our camp. Let me know if you have any questions.

The Ditzy Day Camp Director (HEY! That's me!)

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