Monday, June 27, 2011

Promotion: Phone Calls

So this is going to be a short post but I just wanted to give you another idea for promotion: phone calls. Yep, I'm going old school and pulling out the phones.

As lame as it sounds giving each camper family from last year a call to let them know you're hoping they are going to come to camp and answering any questions they might have is a great way to show you care, remind them that you're there and promote for camp.

It's super easy for parents to get busy and forget to register their kids for camp so a friendly call can be just the thing they need to get that thing crossed off their to do list. So call them up and chat up camp. Just remember to be friendly, and you never know...this might help you register some more kids for camp.

Happy calling...

Yours truly the Ditzy Day Camp Director

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