Friday, July 1, 2011

Exciting News: Our Camp Shirts Came

It was the end of the day and David and I were just about to close up and head home after another day of working hard to get ready for camp. Just before we left we got some mail.

Our camp shirts arrived! Super psyched!

Anyways, I figured since I shared how to create t-shirts with, I'd share the product with you. We received two boxes....

Opening up, you'll see the two colours of shirts we and blue.

Here are the camper shirts...

And here are the staff shirts.

I love them! I think they worked out great...and we got a wonderful product and wonderful services from!

Wow, shirts....maybe this means camp really is right around the corner. Can't believe we start in 11 days! YIKES!

So with an excited heart and nervous twitch, I leave you,

forever the Ditzy Day Camp Director

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