Monday, July 11, 2011

First day...

Hey y'all,

From one ditzy day camp director to another I just wanted to check in and update you on how the first day of camp went. Yep, today was the first day of camp here at camp senda.

As someone who has gone through the first day of camp before, I know how stressful the first day can be. How at times you can have first day jitters and feel pretty scatter brained at the next.

So just wanted to let you know that first day if camp went really well. Yes there were hiccups and things that came up but nothing to big or monumental, that's for sure!

So here are tips for making sure things go off with out a hitch and how to keep things organized:
- arrive early a d have your staff arrive earlier the. UsuL so that everything is set up and ready to go
- have assigned jobs for staff so that they know what to do and when to do it
- post the schedule clearly because most likely your staff is unfamiliar with it so they will need to double, triple, quadruple check it through the day
- be present throughout the dY to answer questions and deal with anything that arises
- go over staff names and rules with kids early and check for comprehension
- stay in the being for the first day as much as possible because it will be easier for you to deL with things that arise
- have a staff member and/or friend to check in on you through out the day to mKe sure you are okay and that you eat lunch, trust me it's easy to forget.
- have fun! Get to know the kids and don't stress out to much!

So here's to hoping your first days are ditz free (except for me)and wonderful

The ditzy day camp director

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